Tag Archives: unpardonable sin

The Unpardonable Sin

Matthew 12:31, 32

The phrase “unpardonable sin” has struck fear into the hearts of so many believers, causing some to doubt whether or not they are still saved or even if they can be forgiven. Such fear and concern has risen over a phrase that never appears in the Bible.Did you realize that? The phrase “unpardonable sin” is a church phrase, not a Bible phrase. If this be the case, why do we use it, and more importantly, what does it mean?

First, let’s remember what the Holy Spirit is here to do: He comes to guide believers into truth and show us things to come (John 16:13) and to glorify Jesus (verse 14). That last one is crucial because it solidifies the first two; if Jesus is not glorified then it cannot be the Holy Ghost. This includes our doctrine, our teachings and our emotional responses. If Jesus gets no glory then what we think or feel or believe is of little consequence.

The other very important role of the Spirit is to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8). The conviction of sin is aimed at non-believers for their rejection of Christ (verse 9); the conviction of righteousness is aimed at believers because they can no longer see Jesus and they are quick to forget who they are in Christ (verse 10); and the conviction of judgment is aimed at the devil, for He has been judged (verse 11).

When you are dealt with for salvation, it is the Holy Spirit that is doing the dealing, for that is His function as it relates to the unsaved. You reject that conviction and you feel a release from it for a time, only to find that it comes back again at another time and place and sometimes stronger than ever. This is the Holy Spirit knocking on the door of your heart, offering you love and grace if you will only believe. Continue to reject this knocking and He will eventually leave you alone, and salvation cannot be found.

Believers need not fear blaspheming the Holy Spirit, for no born-again believer is going to consistently reject the calling of the Spirit in their life. The mark that they are born-again is their ability to be led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14); so they can’t possibly live a life of constantly rejecting His callings.

If you have mocked the gifts of the Spirit such as tongues or healings, those things were done in ignorance, before you understood what the special role of the Holy Spirit is within the church. I have ministered to many people who felt disqualified from God’s good things because they had been brought up in a church that did not believe in the gifts of the Spirit and they said disparaging things about them. God knows your heart, and He knows the speed with which you develop.

The reason that we call it the “unpardonable sin” is because Jesus said that that person “hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation” (Mark 3:29). When you reject the call of the Holy Spirit for salvation, there is no forgiveness and you are in danger of eternal damnation. This warning cannot be for believers who are sealed with the Spirit “unto the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30).

Never forget that Matthew 12:31 contains a glorious promise; that all manner of sin will be forgiven.To blaspheme the Holy Spirit is to reject the crucified and resurrected Jesus of which the Holy Ghost always speaks. As a believer, you have nothing to fear in this regard.You are completely pardoned and completely free.


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